Tarte de amoras Silvestres / Blackberry Tart
Massa quebrada
100g de manteiga
70g de água
1 pitada de Sal
1 colher de açúcar
200g Farinha sem fermento se necessário adicione mais um pouco
Amasse todos os ingredientes e forme uma bola, deixe repousar 20 minutos enquanto prepara o recheio.
800g de amoras silvestres
250g de açúcar
1/2 copo de água
2 colheres sopa farinha maisena
Leite qb para homogeneizar a farinha
Leve todos os ingredientes menos o leite e a farinha maisena a lume brando até começar a engrossar, mexendo sempre.
Desfaça a farinha no leite, e junte aos restantes ingredientes.
Deixe arrefecer e coloque sobre a massa.
Decore com a restante massa.
Leve ao forno a 180°C até a massa ficar dourada.
Sirva frio acompanhado de uma bola de gelado de nata.
Summer has arrived, and with it, the blackberries. The blackberry bushes are heavily laden this year, and yesterday was the day to pick blackberries! Since many are still ripening, I decided to make a tart instead of jam.
Shortcrust pastry:
100g butter
70g water
A pinch of salt
1 tablespoon of sugar
200g plain flour (add a bit more if needed)
Mix all the ingredients and form a dough, let it rest for 20 minutes while preparing the filling.
800g wild blackberries
250g sugar
1/2 cup of water
2 tablespoons cornstarch
Milk, as needed, to mix with cornstarch
In a saucepan, heat all the filling ingredients except the milk and cornstarch over low heat until it starts to thicken, stirring constantly.
In a separate bowl, mix the cornstarch with milk, then add it to the rest of the filling ingredients.
Let it cool, and then pour it over the pastry.
Decorate with strips of pastry.
Bake in the oven at 180°C (356°F) until the pastry turns golden brown.
Serve chilled, accompanied by a scoop of cream ice cream.
Roll out the pastry and line a tart tin.
Place the filling and cover it with strips of pastry.
Bake in the oven at 180°C (356°F) until the pastry is golden brown.
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